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Re: Helloween

Post by Balm »

Jussi wrote:sen piti muistaakseni tosin olla demoversio mutta sitä ei löytynyt ennen 2006 reissue-sarjaa ja Chameleonin sitä versiota.
Ei, vaan suunnittelivat Andin laulaman version julkaisemista, mutta alkuperäisiä studioraitoja ei löytynyt ja toisaalta bändin kokoonpano ei ollut vielä täysi, joten eivät äänittäneet instrumentteja uusiksikaan.
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Re: Helloween

Post by Sabbathman »

Helloween-vaihde jäi päälle keikan myötä, klassikoiden tykitystä on jatkunut pitkin viikkoa...On tämä vaan mahtava bändi ja se on tietenkin loistavaa että tulevaisuudessa on tiedossa lisää keikkoja, näkymää mahdolliselle uudelle levyllekin ja tietenkin livejulkaisua suunnitteilla...Helloweenin reunion on nyt kokonaisuutena parasta sitten Priestin ja Sabbathin vastaavien!
MICHAEL WEIKATH On Possible HELLOWEEN Reunion Studio Album: 'We Wouldn't Want It To Be Half-Baked In Any Way'

December 7, 2017

http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/michae ... n-any-way/

Spark TV, which is part of the Czech monthly magazine Spark, conducted an interview with guitarists Kai Hansen and Michael Weikath of German power metal legends HELLOWEEN prior to their November 25 show at Tipsport Arena in Prague, Czech Republic. The show is part of the band's "Pumpkins United" world tour which features former HELLOWEEN vocalist Michael Kiske and Hansen alongside current singer Andi Deris, guitarists Weikath and Sascha Gerstner, bassist Markus Grosskopf and drummer Dani Löble. You can watch the entire chat below. A few excerpts follow (transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET).

On having Hansen and Kiske back in HELLOWEEN:

Michael: "It's okay. [Laughs] No, the thing is that on the stage we have, everybody is moving about so vividly, Sascha included. I always got to see when someone is coming [to move out of the way]. That's what happens. The rest is okay. They are having a good time."

On whether the "old spirit" of HELLOWEEN has been recaptured:

Kai: "Yeah, it's there, of course. I feel it when we stand together and play with Markus and Kiske. Yeah, it's so familiar. It's cool."

On Hansen having to learn HELLOWEEN songs he wasn't a part of, which includes material from 1991's "Pink Bubbles Go Ape" and up:

Kai: "Well, I had to re-learn old songs, that's for sure. And, I had to learn the newer stuff that I was not part of when they did it. It was a lot of work, actually, to get everything memorized. Now, I'm pretty safe already."

On who came up with the idea for the band's new single, "Pumpkins United":

Michael: "That was the management [Bottom Row]. They said 'Hey, we need a new song.' When the tour starts, we have to play something to people and whatever and the record company [Nuclear Blast] is asking 'Can you do a single?' And so we did it."

Kai: "It was a good idea, I think. It was nice to do it because it was a challenge, of course, for us too, to say 'Hey, does the old magic still work in some way?' Just as a kind of 'sign' out to the fans and say 'Hey, we're back!"

On whether HELLOWEEN will continue to compose new music with their reunited lineup:

Kai: "Let's do this tour first, that's what we said. Of course, the ideas are there, for sure. But, now we want to focus on doing this. It will go until the end of next year on and off, but I think from the middle of next year we can be more definite about making an album. We'll see."

Michael: "When we did this extra track for the tour, the 'Pumpkins United', it was out of schedule, because we were preparing for the tour. We were rehearsing. Usually we don't do track recordings during a rehearsal. You take your extra time for it. If we're ever going to record something together with everyone, it would certainly take more time than back when we were doing the 'Keeper [Of The Seven Keys]' records because there's more characters, more alpha animals involved. That's okay. It's going to work. It's going to take a lot longer. If we deliver something like that, we wouldn't want it to be half-baked in any way. There's not going to be a fucking filler track…"

Kai: "It better be good."

On whether HELLOWEEN will release a live DVD/Blu-ray of the "Pumpkins United" tour:

Kai: "We're recording a few shows on DVD and at some point, it's going to come out."
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Re: Helloween

Post by Jussi »

Balm wrote:
Jussi wrote:sen piti muistaakseni tosin olla demoversio mutta sitä ei löytynyt ennen 2006 reissue-sarjaa ja Chameleonin sitä versiota.
Ei, vaan suunnittelivat Andin laulaman version julkaisemista, mutta alkuperäisiä studioraitoja ei löytynyt ja toisaalta bändin kokoonpano ei ollut vielä täysi, joten eivät äänittäneet instrumentteja uusiksikaan.
Jeps, näinhän se olikin; joko tuo '06 kaivettu demo sotki muistikuvat tai sitten ne sekoilut mitä siellä oli joidenkin vanhempien biisien (Starlight ym.) versioiden käytössä. Jotain muistan Weikin sanoneen että olisivat halunneet joitain niistä tyystin toisin, mitä kokikselle sitten päätyi?

edit: Tuosta vielä viikontakaisiin tunnelmiin yhden huikeimman kohokohdan myötä (vaikka Kiske kämmiikin bridgen sanat :) ); tällä häiskällä oli hyviä videoita jos enemmänkin kaipaa:
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Re: Helloween

Post by Archon »

Spacecake wrote:
WildFire wrote:Ihme mielipiteitä teillä.
Näin on.

Tosta Dark Ridesta tuli mieleen tämä Weikin lyhyt haastattelu. Viittaako kenties Kuschiin tuossa, koska Grapowin kanssa pystyi jo lähtemään kaljallekin. Syynä Ulin potkuille tuskin oli se, että kirjoitti tuohon aikaan parempia kappaleita kuin Weiki itse :P Muistanpa em. herrojen fudujen jälkeen ajatelleeni, että taisi Helloweenin ura olla taputeltu, mutta onneksi olin väärässä.
Kusch tuli itsellä ensimmäisenä mieleen. Schwarzmann ymmärtääkseni erosi hyvässä hengessä ja eikös Mark Crossin Helloween-ura kaatunut mononukleoosiin? Mutta Kuschin erottamisen syyksi on mainittu rahariidat ja musiikilliset erimielisyydet.

Mitä tulee Dark Riden biiseihin, minulle maistuu kaikki muut paitsi Mirror, Mirror. Aika väsynyt ralli. Ihmettelin kun valittiin Treasure Chest -kokoelmalle. :D
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Re: Helloween

Post by THEM »

Jussi wrote:^ olin jo ekan lauseen jälkeen kysymässä, onko krediitit olleet jossain?
Nyt on valkoista sinisellä: music & lyrics written by Hansen, Deris, Weikath.
Vähän jo vanhaa infoa, mutta oli mukava saada kopla selville. Mulla meni hansu ja derssi oikein :partee:
Toxic Enema
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Re: Helloween

Post by Toxic Enema »

Kukahan varasti Hammerfallin Glory to the Braven kertosäkeen.
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Re: Helloween

Post by THEM »

Toxic Enema wrote:Kukahan varasti Hammerfallin Glory to the Braven kertosäkeen.
Sen teki THE most brave.
Imperiumi Crew
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Re: Helloween

Post by Esanssi »

Archon wrote:
Spacecake wrote:
WildFire wrote:Ihme mielipiteitä teillä.
Näin on.

Tosta Dark Ridesta tuli mieleen tämä Weikin lyhyt haastattelu. Viittaako kenties Kuschiin tuossa, koska Grapowin kanssa pystyi jo lähtemään kaljallekin. Syynä Ulin potkuille tuskin oli se, että kirjoitti tuohon aikaan parempia kappaleita kuin Weiki itse :P Muistanpa em. herrojen fudujen jälkeen ajatelleeni, että taisi Helloweenin ura olla taputeltu, mutta onneksi olin väärässä.
Kusch tuli itsellä ensimmäisenä mieleen. Schwarzmann ymmärtääkseni erosi hyvässä hengessä ja eikös Mark Crossin Helloween-ura kaatunut mononukleoosiin? Mutta Kuschin erottamisen syyksi on mainittu rahariidat ja musiikilliset erimielisyydet.
Crossilla oli tosiaan terveysongelmia ja Scwarzmannin vahvuus rumpalina oli enemmän Accept-tyylisessä tanakassa soitossa. Eagle Fly Freet yms. oli vähän liian nopeita kaverilla soitettavaksi.

Näin muistelisin.
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Re: Helloween

Post by heraklos »

^ Niin ja tuohon aikaan Schwarzmann kärsi nivustyrästä.
Toxic Enema
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Re: Helloween

Post by Toxic Enema »

http://www.imperiumi.net/index.php?act=albums&id=18653 Mielipiteethän ovat kuin p***ereikiä, eli jokaisella on omansa, mutta itse olen totaalisesti eri mieltä XXX-levyn kehnoudesta. Myös tämä live-levy ansaitsee vähintään kasin.
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Re: Helloween

Post by Jussi »

^ aika samoilla linjoilla.

Nyt oli japanissa otettu Pumpkins United ensi kertaa soittoon; toinen ja ainoa muutos taisi olla tuo March Of Time korvaamassa I'm Alivea; parempi niin! Ensimmäinen kerta tälle kiertueelle ja kokoonpanolle MOT:n kanssa samalla, 2016 viimeksi Helloween soittanut.

Last edited by Jussi on Sun Mar 18, 2018 1:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Helloween

Post by Koskenkorvasieni »


Kiske on paljon paremmassa vedossa nyt, kuin euroopan kiertueella syksyllä.
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Re: Helloween

Post by Jussi »

Jeps, kun ei ole sairaana. Tuota klassikkoa olisi kaivannut jo ekalle legille mukaan, ei sopinut viime vuosina sitten pätkääkään Andille kyllä, vaikka on omia ikisuosikkeja bändiltä. Deristä haastateltu:
Tony Webster of the "Metal Command" radio show recently conducted an interview with frontman Andi Deris of German power metal legends HELLOWEEN about the band's current "Pumpkins United" tour, which features former HELLOWEEN members Michael Kiske (vocals) and Kai Hansen (guitar, vocals) alongside Deris, guitarists Michael Weikath and Sascha Gerstner, bassist Markus Grosskopf and drummer Dani Löble. You can listen to the entire chat below. A few excerpts follow (transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET).

On the first leg of the "Pumpkins United" tour:

Andi: "It was quite a surprise, actually. To be honest, everybody thought about having not that much people in the concert halls. That was the fear from the beginning on, but since it's that many people, nobody recognized. I would say personally and I've spoken nearly every day with my guys, with my band fellows, I think, yeah, it seems like a dream because you just don't realize why and how many people that are actually appearing at the concerts. It was in Mexico City, we had like two shows of 12,000 in the concert hall. In Madrid, which was one of the last shows we did on the European leg, there were like 14,000 people in one of the concert halls. So, yeah, it's a dream come true."

On sharing the stage with Kiske, whom Deris originally replaced in 1994:

Andi: "First of all, he was visiting here for three weeks at the Canary Islands and I showed him around. We got very close. He's a person who I really, really like. He's a person you can talk with. He always has some interesting theme or subject to talk or discuss about. Even on tour, it's very important because it's never getting boring — you always have something to talk about. Being able to get to know that guy privately was very important because when we finally hit the stage, he was not a stranger to me anymore. I knew this could become a good friendship for the future and the next years, he will definitely be a part of my life, even in HELLOWEEN or not. I know sooner or later, he wants to buy a nice house over here in Tenerife Island, so he may become a neighbor. That's probably the reason…you don't need to act onstage. He's a good friend of mine, which I never expected, to be honest. Yeah, that's how life works. Suddenly, it shifts, whether you've been scared in the beginning. We had lots of talks. He was scared of me, I was scared of him. At the end of the day, it turned out that it fits, it fits very much."

On whether HELLOWEEN will possibly record an EP or full-length album with the "Pumpkins United" lineup:

Andi: "We certainly have lots and lots of talks. This summer, if the chemistry goes on like this, then everything is possible. After recording that particular 'Pumpkins United' song, we realized that it's easy working together. But then again, you know, when you meet musicians, I think musicians understand themselves without hassle, without problems. A musician is having a certain language and we are all musicians, so we get along nicely. Yeah, it was a great experience to finally finish a song together with Hansen. Sure, I'm used to writing songs with Weiki, but with Kai Hansen, it was the first time. Yeah, it was no problem at all, as if we would have worked together for decades already. So, I could see an upcoming album for the future. If the chemistry stays the way it is now, I definitely would say 99 percent yes, we're going for it."

On the last 20 years of HELLOWEEN:

Andi: "Strangely, I would say that there is not so much that has changed for our band. HELLOWEEN has always been there. Fortunately, we had a great comeback over here in Europe and Asia [in 1994]. We've made a great living, actually, and had no ups and downs like so many other bands, even my idols. You just mentioned JUDAS PRIEST for example, when the lead singer goes out of the band and the follow-up singer [Tim 'Ripper' Owens], for me, he was a great singer, but he did not have the personality to lead the band, so everybody was happy when Rob Halford went back. Me, I was happy when Rob went back. Same for IRON MAIDEN. There were so many bands. Everything seemed to break apart and everybody wants to try his own way and solo shit left and solo shit right. Nothing really works, not even with a big name like Bruce Dickinson. He didn't sell that much. When he went back to IRON MAIDEN, everything was glorious again. That's what the people expected and hoped for. I think it was mainly the '90s and parts of the next millennium, until 2005, 2006, when finally, everything reunited and everything went back to where it used to be and where it belonged, in my opinion. But we've never been influenced by that. We've been on that happy side to have that success, even with a new singer, myself. We were probably a big exception in the rock world. So, if you talk to me personally, for us, HELLOWEEN, nothing has changed that much. We always had fun. The good thing is the chemistry inside: Weiki, Markus, myself, Sascha and now Dani, the last 10, 12 years, it has been super-stable. Everybody likes each other very much. For us, there was never a question to change something. That's probably why we did not actually do a reunited HELLOWEEN without myself or without Sascha. We kept the band as it is and just brought the old rockers back to the band."
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Re: Helloween

Post by Vilhelmus »

Jussi wrote:Nyt oli otettu Pumpkins United ensi kertaa soittoon; toinen ja ainoa muutos taisi olla tuo March Of Time korvaamassa I'm Alivea; parempi niin!
No "ensimmäiseltä soittokerralta" kyllä kuulostikin, melkoista räpellystä ammattimiehiltä - toisaalta ihan lohduttavaa ettei se sielläkään aina kulje :D
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Re: Helloween

Post by Väinäkhamon »

Raportti ja kuvia Tampereen Pumpkins United -iltamista viime viikolta:

http://www.noise.fi/south-park-2018-rap ... natykseen/
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Re: Helloween

Post by Jussi »

Hyvä, tai siis parempi jos noin.
HELLOWEEN Is 'Too Lazy' To Start Work On Reunion Studio Album

Germany's Music Interview Corner conducted an interview with guitarists Kai Hansen and Michael Weikath of German power metal legends HELLOWEEN prior to their appearance at the South Park festival in Tampere, Finland. They spoke about the band's current "Pumpkins United" tour, which also features former vocalist Michael Kiske, current vocalist Andi Deris, guitarist Sascha Gerstner, bassist Markus Grosskopf and drummer Dani Löble. You can watch the entire chat below. A few excerpts follow (transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET).

On how Hansen feels being back in HELLOWEEN:

Kai: "Pretty normal, actually. But, it feels familiar all the time. It's nothing special, actually. It's great."

On the idea for the "Pumpkins United" tour:

Michael: "He [Hansen] had that idea 20 years ago or 25 years ago, or shortly after he left, he said 'We should do something together.'"

Kai: "It wasn't actually shortly after I left. But, at some point, there was this idea to say 'It would be kind of cool in the future at some point to do something together.' Actually, when we played festivals with HELLOWEEN and GAMMA RAY and we sat in the backstage and had a good time. Yeah, [we thought] it would be cool if we did something together. It was a long, long process until it finally happened, actually. Nobody was really pushing it up until a certain point when we started pushing things. Yeah, that's how it got on the way."

On whether Hansen stayed in close contact with his former HELLOWEEN bandmates after he left in late 1988:

Kai: "No, not close. Not even with GAMMA RAY, I didn't even have close contact all the time. I think it's normal in a band that when you play together for some years, or you stop, or not so much hang out together in private because everyone is going their own way. For a while, you do things together. In the beginning of GAMMA RAY, we used to go out in the evening together. At some point, you stop doing that. It's a normal process because you tour so much and you're hanging on each other all the time, so it's good to have a break from the others."

On recording last year's "Pumpkins United" single:

Kai: "It was fun. It was a bit like time traveling. In the end, it was left for Weiki, me and Andi to really develop it. The others somehow stayed out of it because they relied on us and Andi is a great songwriter and he delivered something really good. Then, we put our heads together and threw all of our ideas together. We sat in hotel rooms and had brainstorming sessions and in the end, it was me who combined all of these ideas and turned them into a song, a song that contains almost everything that each of us had contributed, at least the most important parts."

On whether HELLOWEEN will record new music beyond the "Pumpkins United" single:

Kai: "Good question."

Michael: "The thing is, we all want to procrastinate and put that point into the future as much as we can. We don't really feel like starting with it because it's going to be a lot of work and it's going to take a lot of time and right now, we are kind of comfy with what we are doing, so to say. So, we are not lying. It's very easy to say; we are just too lazy to get started with that."

Kai: "Actually, we have the idea to do something. There's a lot of ideas in the room for what we do next and so on. But, nothing is kind of decided. Nothing is ripe for the decision. We leave that open, kind of. Everybody can speculate and write songs and send them to us. [Laughs]"
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Re: Helloween

Post by Sabbathman »

Hyvä kun ei ole kiirettä. Reunion-rundia nyt ensin, siitä DVD/BR-julkaisukin. Mutta olihan tuo Pumpkins United todella hyvä, joten kyllä uusi studiolevykin kiinnostaa: 10 biisiä, no filler - all killer, kiitos!
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Re: Helloween

Post by Jussi »

No nyt oli pidempään settiin (kuin mitä Sweden Rockissa ja kuulemma Treellakin) lisätty niitä ruotsissa kaipaamiani 1994 valintoja, joista toinen kyllä kuultiin jo marraskuussa Nordiksella. Pumpkins United myös ensi kertaa omiin korviin näillä kolmella nähdyllä United-keikalla ja siinähän se meni, vaikkei vieläkään ole mikään suursuosikki. Hienoa että kaikki vokalistit olivat nyt terässä :D ilmapalloja lähti taas porukan mukaan tuonne ympäröiviin leireihin :D

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Re: Helloween

Post by Osynlig »

Vinyyliboksia pukkaa:

Helloween - STARLIGHT (The Noise Records Collection)

"A deluxe, limited edition boxset containing all the bands Noise recordings, from the long out of print EPs "Helloween" & "Judas", through their debut album "Walls Of Jericho" to the masterpieces, "Keeper Of The Seven Keys parts 1 & 2" and a new, revised version of "The Best, The Rest, The Rare" that covers all the obscure and rare tracks from the Noise catalogue."

Pre-order your copy with exclusive patch from https://helloween.lnk.to/starlight

Exclusive preorder ships around 10th Sept 2018.
Released in stores 26th Oct 2018

En tiedä tuleeko CD:nä myöhemmin.
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Re: Helloween

Post by Jussi »

Osynlig wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 12:25 pmEn tiedä tuleeko CD:nä myöhemmin.
Mitäpä noilla, kun kaikki on jo hyllyssä :? Mutta tuolta 'uudelleenjärjestellyltä' The Best, The Rest, The Rarelta ihmetyttää, miksi Don't Run For Cover jätettäisiin pois? Ellei tuo ole sitten virhe discogsissa.

Edit: ja niinhän se oli. Tässä on oikea listaus bändin työläiseltä fb:n kautta:
6-A1 I Want Out
6-A2 Dr. Stein (2002 remix)
6-A3 Future World
6-A4 Judas
6-A5 Walls Of Jericho
6-A6 Ride The Sky (edit)

6-B1 Livin' Ain't No Crime
6-B2 Save Us
6-B3 Victim Of Fate (Kiske version)
6-B4 Savage
6-B5 Don't Run For Cover

6-C1 Halloween (edit)
6-C2 Starlight (Kiske version)
6-C3 Oernst Of Life
6-C4 Metal Invaders (original version)
6-C4 Surprise Track

6-D1 Keeper Of The Seven Keys (2002 remix)
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Re: Helloween

Post by Jussi »

Live ensi vuonna ja albumi Pumpkins United-kokoonpanolla 2020:
'Ween fb wrote:UNBEATABLE! 💥

Among the massive PUMPKINS UNITED WORLD TOUR’s absolute open air highlights were, of course, the headliner slots at Wacken, Barcelona’s Rock Fest and Masters of Rock – but also the mega gigs with Iron Maiden at Sweden Rock Festival and Florence’s Firenze Rocks in June definitely were shows for all eternity.

For those, who mysteriously missed the tour, goosebumps footage of the PUMPKINS UNITED WORLD TOUR, will be released as a live CD as well as on DVD and Blu-ray beginning of 2019!!! As of now, the wait until the release can be shortened with a stream of the full Wacken show at Magenta Music 360 right here:

https://www.magenta-musik-360.de/hellow ... ns-united-


As we are still indulging in the Wacken encore or preparing for the show in Las Vegas/ USA, those maniacs are already launching the next sensation: For starters, Nuclear Blast has insisted to keep the band on their roster for a few more years, and – double bass drum roll – there’ll actually be a brand-new STUDIO ALBUM with KISKE AND HANSEN. When the band around songwriting trio Weikath, Hansen and Deris will be retreating to the studio together with these two exceptional singers in 2019, it’s clear that the album scheduled for 2020 will be no less than EPIC. If this news doesn’t make you go all dewy, your proper rock baptism might not have happened yet – the rest of us are way over the moon as of now, because:


Thanks to everyone who has been with us until now!

Photo: Patricia Patah


07. Sep USA / Las Vegas, NV House Of Blues
08. Sep USA / Los Angeles, CA The Palladium
10. Sep USA / Chicago, IL Concord Music Hall
12. Sep CAN / Montreal, QUE Metropolis
14. Sep USA / Worcester, MA Palladium
15. Sep USA / New York City Irving Plaza
16. Sep USA / New York City Irving Plaza

26. Okt COL/ Bogota Knot Fest
28. Okt SVL/ San Salvador CIFCO
31. Okt CHI / Santiago Movistar Arena **
02. Nov MEX / Mexico City Arena CDMX **
04. Nov MEX / Guadalajara Foro Alterno
08. Nov ARG / Buenos Aires Luna Park **

** special guests: KREATOR & ARCH ENEMY

06. Dez POR / Lissabon Sala TEJO
08. Dez ESP / Sant. de Compostela Fontes do Sar B.E.C
14. Dez GER / Ravensburg Oberschwabenhalle
15. Dez GER / Karlsruhe Knockout Festival
18. Dez SWE / Stockholm Arenan
21. Dez GER / Bamberg Brose Arena
22. Dez GER / Hamburg Sporthalle
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Re: Helloween

Post by Sabbathman »

Juuri nämä olivatkin odotukset. Se kolmetuntinen show oli sen verran vaikuttava spektaakkeli, että pitäähän siitä muistojulkaisu saada ja Pumpkins United oli niin hyvä veto, että toivon kyllä vastaavaa menoa koko levyllisen.
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Re: Helloween

Post by clairvoyant »

Nyt Wackenissa tuli viimein nähtyä ja vaikka odotukset olivat ehkä hieman matalalla, niin kyllähän I'm Alive, A Little Time, Why? ja Sole Survivor herkisti mieltä ja jäykisti... nyrkin.

Vähän hirvittää että tuo albumi on samanlaista kuraa kuin Pumpkins United -biisi :|. Toki homman jossain määrin pelastaisi se, että kullakin laulajalla olisi omat biisinsä sen sijaan, että olisi tuollaista rasittavaa limittäin kiekumista. Muutama pidempi eeppinen ralli sitten mukaan, jossa pääsevät vuorottelemaan.
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Re: Helloween

Post by Balm »

clairvoyant wrote: Sat Sep 08, 2018 9:09 pmVähän hirvittää että tuo albumi on samanlaista kuraa kuin Pumpkins United -biisi :|. Toki homman jossain määrin pelastaisi se, että kullakin laulajalla olisi omat biisinsä sen sijaan, että olisi tuollaista rasittavaa limittäin kiekumista. Muutama pidempi eeppinen ralli sitten mukaan, jossa pääsevät vuorottelemaan.
Tismalleen samat tuntemukset. Lisäksi nuo lyriikat on ihan kauheat - ja "sävellys". Tuo on kyllä itse asiassa huonoin Helloweenin sinkkubiisi sitten... no en keksi. Ehkä se on Helloweenin huonoin sinkkubiisi ylipäänsä. :) Biisi voisi olla hyvä, jos lyriikat olisi paremmat eikä puolet osioista olisi pöllitty suoraan muilta artisteilta.
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Re: Helloween

Post by Jussi »

Balm wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 10:09 am
clairvoyant wrote: Sat Sep 08, 2018 9:09 pmVähän hirvittää että tuo albumi on samanlaista kuraa kuin Pumpkins United -biisi :|. Toki homman jossain määrin pelastaisi se, että kullakin laulajalla olisi omat biisinsä sen sijaan, että olisi tuollaista rasittavaa limittäin kiekumista. Muutama pidempi eeppinen ralli sitten mukaan, jossa pääsevät vuorottelemaan.
Tismalleen samat tuntemukset. Lisäksi nuo lyriikat on ihan kauheat - ja "sävellys". Tuo on kyllä itse asiassa huonoin Helloweenin sinkkubiisi sitten... no en keksi. Ehkä se on Helloweenin huonoin sinkkubiisi ylipäänsä. :) Biisi voisi olla hyvä, jos lyriikat olisi paremmat eikä puolet osioista olisi pöllitty suoraan muilta artisteilta.
Miekään en tykkää, suurimmaksi osaksi siksi, kun tylsästä kertsistä tulee mieleen edellisen My God-Given Rightin huonoin kappale Heroes & sen WE ARE, WE ARE -veisaus :|
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