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Re: Helloween

Post by Esanssi »

Balm wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 10:09 am
clairvoyant wrote: Sat Sep 08, 2018 9:09 pmVähän hirvittää että tuo albumi on samanlaista kuraa kuin Pumpkins United -biisi :|. Toki homman jossain määrin pelastaisi se, että kullakin laulajalla olisi omat biisinsä sen sijaan, että olisi tuollaista rasittavaa limittäin kiekumista. Muutama pidempi eeppinen ralli sitten mukaan, jossa pääsevät vuorottelemaan.
Tismalleen samat tuntemukset. Lisäksi nuo lyriikat on ihan kauheat - ja "sävellys". Tuo on kyllä itse asiassa huonoin Helloweenin sinkkubiisi sitten... no en keksi. Ehkä se on Helloweenin huonoin sinkkubiisi ylipäänsä. :) Biisi voisi olla hyvä, jos lyriikat olisi paremmat eikä puolet osioista olisi pöllitty suoraan muilta artisteilta.
Musta biisi on ihan ok, mutta oon jotenkin kategorisoinut sen tommoseksi "kiertuebiisiksi" tai jonkinlaiseksi medleyksi, joka on kursittu kasaan pikavetona tai tribuuttina menneisyydelle (höhö), et sikäli ymmärrän ne ihan suorat lainailut vanhoista biiseistä niin sävel- kuin lyriikkapuolellakin. Sikäli oon samaa mieltä, että uudella levyllä ne omat biisit kullekin laulajalle vois toimia paremmin (niinku Savatage teki Dead Winter Dead–The Wake of Magellan-välillä), koska Kisken ja Deriksen äänet nyt ei oikeasti soi kauheen hyvin yksiin.

Mitä tuohon Wacken-vetoon tulee, niin katselin sen tossa kokonaisuudessaan. Hansen veti medleynsä ihan ok, Kiske jaksoi keikan alkupuolella suht hyvin, mutta keikan loppupuolella meni jo ihan vihkoon, kun happi loppui Eagle Fly Freessä ja pahiten Keeper of the Seven Keysissä. Onhan ne hirveitä biisejä vetää, kun alkuperäiset on vedetty narulle 30 vuotta sitten, mutta kun ylärekisteri on ihan hukassa. Eihän Geddy Leekään pystynyt vetään Rushin loppuaikoina enää lähellekään alkuperäisiä korkeuksia, mutta biisit olikin sovitettu uusiksi niin, että lopputulos oli vielä ihan hyvä. Tasaisin suorittaja Helloweenin Wacken-keikalla oli lopulta Deris.
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Re: Helloween

Post by Jussi »

Macken haastattelua; toivottavasti myös tämän biisejä tai ainakin ideoita otetaan tulevalle albumille mukaan, kun ovat osuneet aika kovalla prosentilla viimeisen 18 vuoden aikana.
Sam Saltman of Heavy Metal Television conducted an interview with bassist Markus Grosskopf of German power metal legends HELLOWEEN prior to the band's September 7 concert at House Of Blues in Las Vegas, Nevada as part of their "Pumpkins United" tour. The trek features returning vocalist Michael Kiske and guitarist Kai Hansen alongside current vocalist Andi Deris, guitarists Michael Weikath and Sascha Gerstner, Grosskopf and drummer Dani Löble. You can watch the entire chat below. A few excerpts follow (transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET).

On whether HELLOWEEN has any new material written in preparation for their recently-announced reunion studio album which is due in 2020:

Markus: "No. Since we've been busy with touring, everybody, each individual member, of course, has ideas. For example, me, if I have a melody in my head, I put it directly on my mobile [phone]. I collect ideas and before we start writing, I will listen to it and 80 percent goes directly to the [trash] bin and the other 20 percent I will take bits and pieces and make songs out of it. I'm sure everybody has ideas individually, but we didn't start to write songs yet. We are coming up with ideas then everybody starts writing songs, lyrics and riffs, then just parts, then we're going to sit together, listen to it and decide what's good, what's worth working on, what's worth checking it out and all that stuff. Now we have two more members. We've never done a record like this. This process may be a little bit different when they bring in their influences. It can be very interesting. It can be very refreshing."

On putting together the setlist for the "Pumpkins United" tour:

Markus: "We've been struggling all the time. We have so many songs and there's still so many songs that we could squeeze in. You cannot really do four hours, which is interesting because knowing there is a record coming out next year or whenever, at least starting next year, there will be another tour. Another tour means you can squeeze in songs that you didn't play on this one. There's still a lot to do."

On the band's 1985 "Walls Of Jericho" debut studio album:

Markus: "We wanted to impress people, you know? If you do only being melodic, tons of bands are doing it, some are really, really good, of course. Only doing thrash, a lot of bands are doing this. Some of them are really, really good, but then, nobody would listen to something that's already there. You do it in a very, very good way. We wanted to combine all those. We found it's much more interesting if you kind of mix and be open to a lot of melodies and harmonies and still playing, still giving it that thrash. We're not a thrash band, but giving it that speed and approach. Then, on the 'Keeper [Of The Seven Keys Part] I', some people were already about to kill us when we came out with the songs, but we just loved it. We just loved to do it. We just said, 'It was the right move.' We never doubted because we liked it. You can only do the best thing if you're in love with what you're doing. Then there's nothing wrong with it. Some people kind of don't like it, but you can't satisfy everybody. Yeah, some said 'You betrayed metal!' So what? Life's long. You got to do something [different]. [Laughs]"

On the impact Gerstner and Löble have had on HELLOWEEN since they joined in 2002 and 2005 respectively:

Markus: "Of course. You got another guy in. You got two new guys coming in. Of course, they bring their influences. First, you have to find how you fit together, but then you're writing material, you play together and you can see it growing together. That's a very fun thing if you can get new people. You see them play, then you play some old songs together which is actually there already, but, still, you have a different guitar player or different drummer. You have to stick a little to what's there already on the songs, but then it gets very interesting when it comes to new songs. They can free their minds and they can bring some new stuff by the way they play. Then, you create new songs with people sounding different."

On whether he thinks the current formation of HELLOWEEN, including Kiske and Hansen, will continue for years to come:

Markus: "Yes. I don't think we need anymore singers. I think we have enough of them. [Laughs] We have enough guitar players. I would never ever let a bass player come in. [Laughs]"

On the success of fellow power metal bands such as BLIND GUARDIAN and STRATOVARIUS:

Markus: "We got a good scene in Germany. That's what I really like, in Europe, we have loads of festivals. We played the whole season from April, May, up until September in Wacken. We had even more after Wacken. Almost each weekend, we have one or two festival shows and that's when you see all these people. Otherwise, they're touring over there, everybody's touring in some different places. But in a festival, they come out together and share a beer and go 'Haven't seen you for a while!' I like that atmosphere with all the other bands who are really good friends. I see them and we celebrate sometimes. I like that."

HELLOWEEN recently completed a run of North American shows that will be followed by additional dates in Latin America. The final "Pumpkins United" concert of 2018 will take place in Hamburg, right where all the madness started in 1984, at the legendary Sporthalle on December 22.
edit: Uli Kusch on palannut soittohommiin vuosien tauon jälkeen, vaikkei tässä videossa jostain syystä olekaan. Biisi on vain aika turhaa tauhkaa, mutta jospa innostuisi enemmänkin paukuttelemaan; ja nämä eivät ainakaan ole ohjelmoidut rummut mitä loppuaikoinaan harrasti kai enemmän tai vähemmän.
When Erik Løøvaxe was touring in The States, he suddenly found himself lost in the middle of nowhere in Texas. Luckily he managed to stop a Camaro with two hot chicks that were heading towards a party at John Diva’s ranch. At the ranch they met up with Mr.Damage who was traveling through Route 66 on Harleys with his buddy Ace Stirlingslinger. They also met up with drummer legend Uli Kusch who had disappeared from the heavy metal scene years ago. He had simply forgotten about time, and had been enjoying himself at the ranch. The rest of the guys in The Rockets of Love were there as well, and helped out with keys and partying. They all jammed and recorded «What you give is what you get (Party Like A Red Neck)» that night, and even though the rednecks got curved, the tune stands out as a heavy metal classic!

Line up: Vocals: John Diva (John Diva) Bass Guitar: Erik Løøvaxe (Trollfest, Souls of Tide) Drums: Uli Kush (Ex-Helloween, Ex-Gamma-Ray, Ex Masterplan) Lead Guitar: Mr. Damage (Chrome Division, Breed) Keys: Snake Rocket (John Diva and the Rockets of Love) Backing Giutar: Ace Stringslinger (Wyruz)
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Re: Helloween

Post by Jussi »

Andin haastattelussa mm. seuraavien Helloween-julkaisujen asioita:
On whether HELLOWEEN will release a live album to commemorate the "Pumpkins United" tour:

Andi: "That was a big discussion because do you just put out a stupid live album as we have done before? So, I think we agreed now we do a nice collection of several great concerts, like Madrid, for example, was unforgettable, or São Paulo was unforgettable. Wacken is the biggest metal festival in the world; it was such a great experience to headline the biggest metal festival in the world. Wow! We decided to make a compilation and I think that's been agreed on that's what Charlie [Bauerfeind], our producer, is just in the moment finishing. I can't tell you — I haven't seen it. [Laughs] I've only seen bits and pieces directly after the concert, for example, Madrid, we had two or three hours after the show, we had five minutes that we watched parts of the show and we were completely fascinated because the people were going apeshit there and everything was great. Because you don't have only one memory of one certain show, but there are several memories of several great shows. Why not do a mixture of these highlights? I think that's what we're going to do now."

On whether Hansen and Kiske will be a part of HELLOWEEN's next studio album:

Andi: "Absolutely. I have two songs new, which I'm quite confident that the boys will like. Both of them are actually written for Michael and myself, kind of a duet, whereas Kai, for example, he's always great to have for the shouter parts or stuff like that. Everybody knows I'm a big KISS fan, so this is something I always thought the strength of KISS is having Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley and even Peter Criss back in the day, who could sing. They wrote songs for three singers sometimes. I really enjoyed that. This is something I'm looking forward to for the next album, too, that there are least two songs or maybe three where you have two or three singers. I like that. I love it."
Yleensä en ole pilkottujen livelevyjen ystävä, mutta tässä tapauksessa se voi olla ihan hyväkin asia. Niin paljon noissa muutamassa PU-kiertueen nähdyissä keikoissa oli kaikissa sisäistä vaihtelua suorituksissa, että tuolleen poimimalla pitäisi saada aikaan melkoisen hyvä setti sitten.

Siellä on sananen myös tuosta limittäin laulamisesta ja Derisin näkökulmasta mielenkiintoinen pointti :)
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Re: Helloween

Post by Sabbathman »

HELLOWEEN To Release 'United Alive' Live Album And DVD/Blu-Ray In October

July 2, 2019

http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/hellow ... n-october/

During the "Hellbook" production to celebrate HELLOWEEN's 30th anniversary, the contributors came to realize that the chemistry in the band had always been unique — and that what belongs together needs to be together again. However, the birth of "Pumpkins United" wasn't just an original line-up reunion, but the real deal. The ultimate cast consisting of all seven metal heroes: former vocalist Michael Kiske and guitarist/vocalist Kai Hansen alongside current singer Andi Deris, guitarists Michael Weikath and Sascha Gerstner, bassist Markus Grosskopf and drummer Dani Löble. What followed was a cry of joy from North Germany's river Elbe to Rio's Sugar Loaf Mountain and the "Pumpkins United" world tour, with 69 shows in front of more than one million people in 32 countries acoss three continents in fall 2017. The band's headline slots at Wacken Open Air, Rock Fest and Masters Of Rock, as well as their shows with IRON MAIDEN at the Sweden Rock Festival and Firenze Rocks, the revival was received enthusiastically, stages were set on fire, and tears were shed. After dates in the U.S. and additional shows in Latin America, this tour for the ages ended in December 2018 with a highly emotional finale in Hamburg, where it all began in 1984.

"This amazing journey was one of those 'magic moments' words can't describe — it simply was what we all love most: meet great people, go back in time with our memories, and celebrate the ultimate HELLOWEEN party together," said Deris.

From October 4, that's finally possible: With the release of "United Alive" and "United Alive In Madrid" we can transport ourselves to that tour at any time, and dive into every detail with hellish tracking shots, breathless close-ups, and intimate interviews. The artwork was created by Martin Hausler once again and offers plenty of unreleased live images.

Said Kiske: "It wasn't easy to condense this unbelievable tour adequately and capture how it felt for us. That's why we had the idea to film the biggest festival gig, the most massive arena show, and the hottest club date."

The DVD/Blu-ray nails the tour with recordings from Wacken in front of 75,000 metalheads and 14,000 fans in the Madrid arena — and as a bonus, the show in the Espaço das Américas, gathering 8,000 in São Paulo. Altogether it offers over three hours of live material in stereo and premium 5.1 Surround Sound, plus backstage material, tons of surprises, and a very personal band interview about the past, present, and future. The live CD/vinyl presents a whopping two hours and 20 minutes of pure audio material from the concert in Madrid plus four bonus tracks from the shows in Prague, São Paulo, Wacken, and Santiago de Chile.
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Helloween - United Alive 4.10.2019

Post by Jussi »

Eka virallinen klippi tuolta lokakuussa tulevalta liveltä:

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Re: Helloween - United Alive 4.10.2019

Post by Sabbathman »

Jussi wrote: Fri Aug 02, 2019 12:17 pm Eka virallinen klippi tuolta lokakuussa tulevalta liveltä:

Niin tämäkin julkaistaan 4.10 !!! Kyllä nyt on merkkipäiväksi kovia julkaisuja tulossa.
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Re: Helloween - United Alive

Post by Jussi »

Saksasta tuli myös markkinointihenkistä sähköpostia eilen:
Helloween wrote:»United Alive« & »United Alive In Madrid« – The video- & audio-releases

With the releases of »UNITED ALIVE« & »UNITED ALIVE IN MADRID« on Nuclear Blast we deliver you a massive audio and video evidence of our magical journey. Every single solo, every spontaneous gesture and every emotional encore of the PUMPKINS UNITED WORLD TOUR is evoked and made immortal. And that’s not all! We made an intimate interviews and collected plenty of background material as well! The artworks for the various formats were once more created by our good friend and art designer Martin Hausler, who of course stuffed lots of previously unreleased live images into the 36-page booklet and high end packaging.

»United Alive« – DVD/Blu-Ray📀
The DVD/BLU-RAY »UNITED ALIVE« captures the phenomenal sets with recordings from Wacken in front of 75,000 metal heads , 14,000 fans in the Madrid arena, topped off by the legendary gig at the Espaço das Américas in front of 8,000 fans in São Paulo. A total of over three hours of live material in stereo and premium 5.1 surround sound plus a movie compilation with the essentials of the concert’s LED content, all cartoon clips of Seth & Doc, further surprises, and the very personal 30-minute band interview about the past, present, and future.

»United Alive In Madrid« – Live-CD/Vinyl 📀
Very pure, the LIVE-CD/VINYL »UNITED ALIVE IN MADRID« has nearly three hours of unbridled PUMPKINS live pressure up its sleeve – including bonus tracks of the shows in Prague, São Paulo, Wacken, and Santiago de Chile.

»United Alive« & »United Alive In Madrid« will be available in the following formats, and can be pre-ordered here:https://bit.ly/2GGIPzR

Disc 1: Live concert, Disc 2: Bonus material – intro movie, interview, LED compilation, Seth & Doc animations & more

Disc 1 & 2: Live concert, Disc 3: Bonus material – intro movie, interview, LED compilation, Seth & Doc animations & more

Live concert Madrid plus bonus tracks: »March of Time«, »Kids of the Century«, »Why« and »Pumpkins United«

Live concert Madrid plus bonus tracks: »March of Time«, »Kids of the Century«, »Why« and »Pumpkins United«

Complete contents of Blu-ray, DVD, and CD in premium packaging

Disc 1
01. Halloween 13:29*
02. Dr. Stein 5:47*
03. I’m Alive 3:23**
04. If I Could Fly 4:13*
05. Are You Metal? 4:19***
06. Rise And Fall 4:22**
07. Waiting For The Thunder 4:04*
08. Perfect Gentleman 4:26*
09. Kai´s Medley 14:36*** (Starlight / Ride The Sky / Judas / Heavy Metal Is The Law)
10. Forever And One 4:32**
11. A Tale That Wasn’t Right 6:09***
12. I Can 4:48*
13. Pumpkins United 6:28***
14. Drumkins United 4:50***
15. Livin’ Ain’t No Crime / A Little Time 6:38*
16. Why 4:32**
17. Sole Survivor 5:15**
18. Power 4:16*
19. How Many Tears 10:58***
20. Invitation / Eagle Fly Free 7:55*
21. Keeper Of The Seven Keys 20:13*
22. Mos-Kai-To 2:38*
23. Future World 4:46*
24. I Want Out 9:08***
25. Outro & Credits 4:59
Total running time: 2 hours 47 minutes
(*) Recorded live in Madrid, December 9th, 2017
(**) Recorded live in São Paulo, October 29th, 2017
(***) Recorded live at Wacken Open Air, August 4th, 2018

Disc 2
01. Halloween 13:35 - Live in São Paulo, October 29th, 2017
02. Dr. Stein 5:29 - Live in São Paulo, October 29th, 2017
03. Kids Of The Century 4:08 - Live in Prague, November 25th, 2017
04. March Of Time 5:27 - Live in Santiago de Chile, October 31st, 2018
05. Pumpkin’s Whisper - 35:27
06. Bursting Hamburg - 01:59
07. The Essential LED Compilation - 17:09
08. Seth & Doc, The United Thing - 12:04
09. The Keeper’s Journey - 1:19

CD 1
01. Halloween 13:37
02. Dr. Stein 5:36
03. I’m Alive 3:48
04. If I Could Fly 4:01
05. Are You Metal? 4:28
06. Rise And Fall 4:22
07. Waiting For The Thunder 4:02
08. Perfect Gentleman 4:50
09. Kai’s Medley 13:52 (Starlight / Ride The Sky / Judas / Heavy Metal Is The Law)
10. Forever And One 5:22
11. A Tale That Wasn’t Right 5:43
CD 2
01. I Can 4:57
02. Livin’ Ain’t No Crime / A Little Time 6:39
03. Sole Survivor 4:58
04. Power 4:11
05. How Many Tears 10:56
06. Invitation / Eagle Fly Free 7:13
07. Keeper Of The Seven Keys 17:03
08. Future World 5:36
09. I Want Out 8:47
Live in Madrid, December 9th, 2017

CD 3
01. March Of Time 5:28 - Live in Santiago de Chile, October 31st, 2018
02. Kids Of The Century 4:00 - Live in Prague, November 25th, 2017
03. Why 4:40 - Live in São Paulo, October 29th, 2017
04. Pumpkins United 6:32 - Live at Wacken Open Air, August 4th, 2018
Total Running Time: 2 hours 41 minutes

Don’t miss us live:

21.09. BR São Paulo - Rockfest (w/ SCORPIONS, WHITESNAKE, EUROPE)
23.09. BR Uberlândia - Roadfest (w/ SCORPIONS, WHITESNAKE)
25.09. BR Brasília - Rock ao Vivo (w/ SCORPIONS)
28.09. BR Florianópolis - Rock ao Vivo (w/ SCORPIONS)
01.10. BR Porto Alegre - Rock ao Vivo (w/ SCORPIONS, WHITESNAKE)
04.10. BR. Rio de Janeiro - Rock in Rio (w/ IRON MAIDEN, SCORPIONS, SEPULTURA)

A bunch of Helloween Madness ahead! Be part of it!

Siistiä että nuo Kids Of The Century & March Of Time ovat bonareina mukana, mitä ei Helsingissä kuultu 30.11.2017 :) pitää vielä harkita ostaisiko sitä tuon livelevynkin, enkä pelkästään DVD:tä. Kuitenkin eri keikan materiaalia pääpiirteissään siinä.
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Re: Helloween - United Alive

Post by Sabbathman »

Helloween wrote:»United Alive« & »United Alive In Madrid« – The video- & audio-releases

Complete contents of Blu-ray, DVD, and CD in premium packaging
Tilaukseen meni tämä kaiken kattava setti. Vinyyliboxiakin harkitsin, mutta en oikein jaksa käännellä levyjä kun on keikasta kyse.
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Re: Helloween

Post by Balm »

Ostoon menee vinyyliboksi + DVD. Onneksi Wackenista ei hirveän montaa biisiä DVD:llä ole, kaikki Wacken-keikat ku näyttää aina ihan samalta artistilta riippumatta.
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Re: Helloween

Post by Jussi »

^ Totta Wackenista kyllä.

Halloweenista toinen näyte, melko iso halli tuo Madridin paikka!


edit: Forever And One kolmas sellainen, kahden vkon kuluttuahan tuo jo ilmestyy.

Last edited by Jussi on Wed Sep 18, 2019 8:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Helloween

Post by Jussi »

Weiki kertoo haastiksessa, miten luottomies Bauerfeindin kanssa tulevan albumin tuottajana on myös Dennis Ward, sekä mm. biisinkirjoituksesta ja tulevaisuudennäkymistä.

https://www.themetalvoice.com/single-po ... unexpected
Weiki wrote:When asked if the musical directions will be a continuation of their last album My God Given Right
"My God Given right was done quite a different way, we had 25 tracks and the producer picked the ones that he thought were the most worthwhile and bam you had that album ready, we just recorded all the ready-made demos . This time on the new album we have a lot more fragments and eventually there's going to be some great stuff I just know. It's going to be a lot of work it's going to take some time but that's probably a great approach if we're all not too old for it or if we're not too uncool for it. We have Charlie Bauerfeind and Dennis Ward as a producer a team on this album so as there's got to be something great coming out of it. Denis Ward knows Unisonic and the way the band worked, Denis been part of the band himself and he knows how to arrange things and record things and and come up with great results under the most difficult circumstances and Charlie Bauerfeind is like the main organizer. I wrote three complete tracks, Sascha Gerstner came up with a few things, Markus Grosskopf finished a few tracks. Kai Hansen and Andi Deris are working on some fragments and when we put it all together we get creative and so that's the way we're gonna do it. In terms of musical direction we are not going to do something unexpected, we are going to play it safe in the future."
Hyvältä kuulostaa, viimeksi kun oli kahden tuottajan tiimi The Dark Ridella, pidin kovasti lopputuloksesta. Charlie yksinään pelaa turhan varman päälle, meikäläisittäin sanoisin pirkka/rainbow-laadun tuottajaksi :?
When asked if they will change the set list on the next Helloween Tour
"Sure maybe we can do something like Twilight of the Gods or if people want to hear Save US or other songs we couldn't do on the last tour because it was already three hours. Next time around it;s going to be different because there are enough stuff to pick from. "
Loistohomma myös noiden mainittujen myötä, erityisesti TOTG:in kuulemista olen odottanut Helloween-fanitukseni alusta asti!
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Re: Helloween - United Alive

Post by Jussi »

Tänään on julkaisupäivän kunniaksi laitettu mun kaikkien aikojen #1 hevibiisin video ulos, paitsi että ainakin meillä ja ruotsissa United Aliven julkaisupäivä onkin vasta viikon kuluttua, 11.10. :|

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Re: Helloween

Post by Koskenkorvasieni »


Tän vuoden Rock In Riossa soittivat tunnin setin, joka tässä nähtävissä kokonaisuudessaan
Last edited by Koskenkorvasieni on Thu Nov 07, 2019 11:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Helloween

Post by Sabbathman »

EMP toimitti artbookin täksi päiväksi, on komea paketti! Joo en kyllä jaksa vinyyliä hommata tästä, on niin monta biisiä, tulee liikaa kääntelyä yhden keikan matkalta.
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Re: Helloween - United Alive

Post by Jussi »

Eilen hain 3DVD UA:n Äxästä ja onhan tuo hyvin tehty paketti; ekstroista ei tosin ollut juuri enempää iloa kuin kertakatsottava haastattelu. Erityisesti Weikin ja muidenkin rehellisyys toisiaan kohtaan siinä on mielenkiintoista seurattavaa vanhalle fanillekin, kun muistaa entisaikojen jännitteet :) Kiskellä oli samoin mielenkiintoinen heitto, jonka pohjalta olisi mahtavaa jos edes hieman saisi muutoksia mahdolliselle toiselle rundille, kun sanoi miten 'voisimme soittaa 70% eri kappaleita seuraavalla kerralla ja se toimisi silti!'

Tallenteen ainoat nillitykset liittyvät noihin rundin alusta purnaamiini, mielestäni huonoihin Deris-eran valintoihin (Are You Metal & Waiting For The Thunder), mutta onneksi myös eräät parhaat kuten Sole Survivor ovat samaa, hienoa aikakautta edustamassa. Ruudun jakaminen oli myös ärsyttävää, onneksi se tuli vain muutamassa biisissä, kun niitä taustan animaatioita pusketaan 50% ruudusta soittajien vierelle.

Bonuksissa oli tosiaan nuo raremmat helmet kuten March Of Time (alle vuoden takaa Chilestä lokakuun 2018 lopussa taltioituna!), meidän Helsingissäkin kuulema Why & Pumpkins United, mutta ennen kaikkea Kids Of The Century. Se vain epäilyttää autenttisuudessa, kun Kiskeltä sujuu siinä vaikeahko kappale varsin hyvin ja se on peräisin 25.11.2017 Prahasta, eli juuri em. Nordiksen keikkaamme ja Michi tosiaan oli tuhannen sairaana koko tuon ajan... Mutta suositeltava ja laadukas livetallenne tämä kyllä on!
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Re: Helloween - United Alive

Post by Sabbathman »

Jussi wrote: Sun Oct 13, 2019 12:42 pmTallenteen ainoat nillitykset liittyvät noihin rundin alusta purnaamiini, mielestäni huonoihin Deris-eran valintoihin (Are You Metal & Waiting For The Thunder), mutta onneksi myös eräät parhaat kuten Sole Survivor ovat samaa, hienoa aikakautta edustamassa.
Jos itse säätäisin Helsingin settilistan kohdilleen noilta osin*...

Dr. Stein
I'm Alive
We Burn*
Steel Tormentor*
Rise and Fall
Mission Motherland*
Perfect Gentleman
Starlight / Ride the Sky / Judas
Heavy Metal (Is the Law)
Forever and One (Neverland)
A Tale That Wasn't Right
March Of Time*
Kings Will Be Kings*
A Little Time
Before The War*
Sole Survivor
If I Knew*
Invitation & Eagle Fly Free
Keeper of the Seven Keys
Future World
I Want Out
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Re: Helloween

Post by Koskenkorvasieni »

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Re: Helloween - United Alive

Post by Koskenkorvasieni »

Jussi wrote: Sun Oct 13, 2019 12:42 pm Se vain epäilyttää autenttisuudessa, kun Kiskeltä sujuu siinä vaikeahko kappale varsin hyvin ja se on peräisin 25.11.2017 Prahasta, eli juuri em. Nordiksen keikkaamme ja Michi tosiaan oli tuhannen sairaana koko tuon ajan... Mutta suositeltava ja laadukas livetallenne tämä kyllä on!
Joo no mä olen satavarma, että joitakin vokaaliosuuksia on korjailtu jälkeenpäin joko studiossa tai kopipeistaamalla muiden keikkojen äänityksistä, sen verran sitkeä flunssa Kiskellä oli oikeastaan koko syksyn 2017 kiertueosuuden ajan. Vaan toisaalta, montaako rockmusiikin historiassa julkaistua livealbumia ei olisi tavalla tai toisella tohtoroitu?
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Re: Helloween

Post by Sabbathman »

Jotenkin tässä tapauksessa en jaksa välittääkään mistään äänitystempuista, nyt riittää kun on kunnollinen keikkatallenne muistoksi tuosta rundista. Parastahan tietenkin olisi kun olisi tallenne ilman korjailuja ja äänikin kunnossa. Mutta kuitenkin mahtava ja maaginen keikka oli Black Boxissakin Kisken tukkoisuudesta huolimatta, joten tämä livesetti on mukava tsekata omaa kokemusta muistellen.
Sir Juzzi
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Re: Helloween

Post by Sir Juzzi »

Joo, eiköhän se ole tärkeintä, että tällaisista rundeista ylipäänsä on tallenteita, joiden kautta niiden pariin voi palata uudelleen. Musiikkinautinnon nimissä on ehkä kuitenkin parempi niin, että pahasti korvaan särähtäviä töppejä silotellaan pois. Eiköhän tuollaiset tilanteet, että laulajalla on flunssa päällä ja aikataulu on aikataulu, ole periaatetasolla ikäviä bändeille itselleenkin.

Eipä tuo Keeper-veto kuitenkaan mikään epäuskottavan täydellinen ollut tuollaisenakaan, näköjään se alkaa ikä tehdä Kiskellekin tehtävänsä. Jopa siinä määrin, että kun en fanita bändiä, ei tuo maistiainen herättänyt kiinnostusta pidemmälle.

Liian monissa nykyaikaisissa livetallenteissa tökkii pahasti tuo, miten niistä loistaa kaikki roso ja rapsakkuus poissaolollaan. Silloin raivokaskin keikka tuntuu kotikatsomossa lattealta. Kunnon keikkatallenteen pitäisi pistää hikoilemaan sohvallakin.
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Helloween - United Alive II

Post by Jussi »

Torstaina 29.10. UA2-kiertue taas suomessa & Helsingin jäähallin black boxissa; liput 53€ ja myynnissä ensi ma 9.12.
Looking back to the legendary PUMPKINS UNITED WORLD TOUR - named by the press the “tour of the year” - everyone still has a big smile on his face. Even if CD, DVD and Blu-ray present stunning contemporary documents - nobody wants to imagine that this is all there is...

“The Pumpkins United World Tour 2017 - 2019 forged us into a real band – we are all very keen in recording a new studio album now. Artistically it ´s extremely thrilling“.
Andi Deris

The PUMPKINS UNITED lineup entered the HOME studios in Hamburg to work on brand new song material. The same recording console used for albums such as "Master of The Rings", "Time of the Oath" or "Better than Raw" is now being used to record a new legendary STUDIO ALBUM - analogue and deliberately “back to the roots“. With Michael Kiske, Kai Hansen and Dani Löble drumming on Ingo Schwichtenberg’s original drum kit, one thing is for sure: a stronger Helloween-Vibe won’t be possible!
Produced by Charlie Bauerfeind and Dennis Ward, the new & yet untitled album will see the light of day end of August / beginning of September 2020.

The UNITED ALIVE WORLD TOUR PART II is coming up! In September 2020, the legendary UNITED-Lineup will be unleashed again: Stronger, with the new song material and a ton of horsepower – simply the ultimate HELLOWEEN PARTY!.

26.09.2020 SK 🇸🇰 Zvolen, Ice Stadium
27.09.2020 AT 🇦🇹 Vienna, Gasometer
29.09.2020 CH 🇨🇭 Zurich, Samsung Hall
30.09.2020 IT 🇮🇹 Milano, Lorenzini District
02.10.2020 DE 🇩🇪 Stuttgart, Schleyer-Halle
04.10.2020 UK 🇬🇧 Manchester, Manchester Academy
05.10.2020 UK 🇬🇧 London, Brixton Academy
07.10.2020 FR 🇫🇷 Paris, Olympia
08.10.2020 LU 🇱🇺 Luxemburg, Rockhal
09.10.2020 FR 🇫🇷 Lyon, Le Transbordeur
11.10.2020 ES 🇪🇸 Barcelona, St. Jordi Club
12.10.2020 ES 🇪🇸 Madrid, WiZink Center
15.10.2020 CZ 🇨🇿 Prague, O2
16.10.2020 DE 🇩🇪 Bochum, Ruhrcongress
17.10.2020 DE 🇩🇪 Hamburg, Sporthalle
19.10.2020 HU 🇭🇺 Budapest, Papp Laszlo Sportarena
20.10.2020 PL 🇵🇱 Katowice, MCK
23.10.2020 RU 🇷🇺 Moskau, Adrenaline - Stadium
25.10.2020 RU 🇷🇺 St. Petersburg, A2
27.10.2020 EE 🇪🇪 Tallin, Noblessneri Valukoda
29.10.2020 FI 🇫🇮 Helsinki, Black Box
31.10.2020 SE 🇸🇪 Gothenburg, Partille Arena
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Re: Helloween

Post by RäikeäSammakko »

Melkein voisi harkita tuonne menemistä, koska kyseessä suosikkiyhtyeeni, mutta jumankekka taas torstaina keikka, eli pitäisi kaksi päivää tehdä sisään.

Ja jos on sama settilista kuin pari vuotta sitten, niin taidan passata.
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Re: Helloween

Post by Wellu »

Helloween wrote:Produced by Charlie Bauerfeind and Dennis Ward, the new & yet untitled album will see the light of day end of August / beginning of September 2020.

The UNITED ALIVE WORLD TOUR PART II is coming up! In September 2020, the legendary UNITED-Lineup will be unleashed again: Stronger, with the new song material and a ton of horsepower – simply the ultimate HELLOWEEN PARTY!.
RäikeäSammakko wrote: Fri Dec 06, 2019 2:06 pm Ja jos on sama settilista kuin pari vuotta sitten, niin taidan passata.
Eiköhän tuo kiertue promotoi tuota ensi vuoden elo/syyskuussa ilmestyvää levyä. Joten toivottavasti settilistaa on sen verran päivitetty, että siellä on useampia kappaleita tuolta uudelta levyltä.
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Re: Helloween

Post by Jussi »

Weikathan sanoi tuossa ylempänä, miten sieltä saattaisi olla vanhojenkin vaihtelua tulossa, toivon suuresti että näin käy!
Weiki wrote:When asked if they will change the set list on the next Helloween Tour

"Sure maybe we can do something like Twilight Of The Gods or if people want to hear Save Us or other songs we couldn't do on the last tour because it was already three hours. Next time around it's going to be different because there are enough stuff to pick from."
Vaikka toki siellä ne 15 min eepokset ovat suurella todennäköisyydellä mukana jälleen, mutta jospa edes Halloween pudotettaisiin pois.
Herra Turpasauna
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Re: Helloween

Post by Herra Turpasauna »

Uuden levyn rummut äänitetty, ja vieläpä vanhanaikaisesti analogivälineillä! Tästä voi tulla jotain todella mahtavaa..
Studiossa liikutus on ainakin ollut suurta :D

Tämä bändi on kyllä sellainen että omasta mielestä eivät ole tehneet edes yhtään keskinkertaista levyä. Ovat luokkaa hyvä, erinomainen, tai klassikko. Kuuntelen taas järjestyksessä tuotantoa läpi, viimeksi "Rabbit.." levy meni läpi. Hienoja melodioita on ja mielipuolista paukutusta vierailevan tähden, Mikkey Dee:n toimesta. Lisäpisteitä levyn lopun pitkästä progebiisistä nopeiden rallien jälkeen.

Ainoa mistä voisin nillittää, niin joillakin uudemmilla levyillä kansitaiteet on tehty painamalla "PrintScreen" jossain tietokonepelissä "BioShock" tulee mieleen Gambling with the Devilistä, eikä myöskään ole lyriikoita printattu. "Jänis" levyllä vielä oli mahtava esiinpomppaava pitkäkorva lastenkirjatyyliin- kun kirjasen aukaisi. Tosin tuo uusimman levyn 3-ulotteinen kansi oli aika makea.

Levyjen tuotantokin on O.K. (aina voisi olla parempikin tietysti), tämä Charlie Bauerfeind jostain syystä tekee Helloweenin levyistä ihan kuunneltavia, kun taas Blind Guardiania kun tuottaa, -niin en antaisi niin korkeaa arvosanaa, jotenkin niissä kuulee liikaa ne digitaaliset efektit ja plugarit mitä hän käyttää.

Itse toivon uudesta levystä siis oikein kunnon "old-school" meininkiä.. Edellytykset tälle ainakin on olemassa, kun kaikki bändin biisintekijät tiristävät vielä parhaimpansa, niin ei tätä voi kuin odottaa..
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