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Re: Luca jättää Rhapsodyn

Post by Khansen »

Roni wrote:No vittu, ensin Luca jättää Ari Koivusen, ja nyt Rhapsodyn! Mitä seuraavaksi, kysyn vaan?! MITÄ SEURAAVAKSI!?!?!?
:clap: :lol:

Aiheutti lievän repeämisen. Varsinainen gigolo kyllä kyseessä...
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Re: Luca jättää Rhapsodyn

Post by Jussi »

Mr Rami wrote:Viime viikolla tuli kuunneltua Turillin ensimmäinen soololevy ja oli paljon parempi mitä muistinkaan. Muistelin, että pari ekaa sooloa olisivat olleet vähän sellaista pilipalia, mutta ihan kunnon powermetalliahan siellä olikin tarjolla (melkein lambadaa paikoin) kaikkineen. Tähän asti olen pitänyt Turillin kolmatta soololevyä parhaana, mutta täytynee kuunnella nuo nyt kaikki läpi ja arvioida tilanne uudelleen.
No tsekkaahan, Prophet Of The Last Eclipse on varmaankin trion parhain, vaikka juuri viime viikolla kuuntelin pitkästä aikaa The Infinite Wonders Of Creationia ja äimistelin miten kovia biisejä Mystic And Divine, The Miracle Of Life, Pyramids And Stargates & Angels Of The Winter Dawn olivatkaan.
Ainoastaan se samaan aikaan tullut Dreamquest ei toimi, jossa vanha luihunnäköinen takapiiska pieksää kiippareita. Sen naisvokalistin identiteettiä ei vissiin koskaan kerrottu?
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Re: Luca jättää Rhapsodyn

Post by Lichi »

King of the Nordic Twilight on ehdottomasti soololevyistä paras. Laadullisista saamaa taso samoihin aikoihin(1999) iolmestyneiden Rhapsody-levyjen kanssa. Sieltä löytyy mm. sellaiset helmet kuin, King of the Nordic Twilight, Black Dragon, The Ancien Forrest of Elves ja Princess Aurora.

Muuten kun lähtevät omille keikeilleen miten tekevät biisien kanssa? Kumpikin soittaa samat biisit? Vai soittaako se Lucan bändi sekaisin Rhapsodya ja Lucan soolomateriaalia?
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Re: Luca jättää Rhapsodyn

Post by asa »

Kuuntelin eilen Spotifysta King of the Nordic Twilightin, ja olihan se ihan ok. Paljon riisutumpi, ja vähemmän majesteettinen kuin Rhapsody, joka lienee silloin aikanaan oli se "pettymys", kun ne klasarivaikutteet oli poissa. Täytynee nyt samaan syssyyn kuunnella noi muutkin levyt läpi, ne taisi aikaanaan jäädä lähes kokonaan tarkastamatta.
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Re: Luca jättää Rhapsodyn

Post by LorenzoGarbanzo »

Onpa kyllä perseestä. Kyllähän varsinkin näin aktiivisena RoF foorumin jäsenenä oli kaikenlaista spekulaatiota ollut miten bändi uusimman levyn jälkeen jatkaa, ja Hessikin lupaili isoa uutista, mutta ei nyt sentään tämmöistä olisi odottanut. Varsinkin kun bändi näytti olevan intoa täynnä lakiasioiden jälkeen. Harmi, jäädään seuraamaan mitä tuleman pitää.

Löivät muuten myös fooruminsa kiinni 10 päiväksi, 25. päivä aukeaa taas. Yleisen negatiivisuuden ja yms. takia. Huvittavaa sinänsä, koska tiedän, että olen luultavasti itsekin osa tätä "negatiivisempaa" porukkaa. Hessin kanssa varsinkin tullut pariin kertaan vähän väännettyä joistain asioista. Toivottavasti tuo foorumi silti selviää, parhaimpia paikkoja internetin syövereissä.

Täältä voi lukea bändin viestin aiheeseen liittyen:

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Re: Luca jättää Rhapsodyn

Post by Jussi »

Heh, just joo, criticizing the band & new and very exciting changes together in Rhapsody Of Fire! pääpointteina. Aikamoista tuubaa.

Eikös tuo otsikko ole muuten pielessä? Lucahan oli tässä hämäryydessä jatkamassa Rhapsodynä :!:
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Re: Luca jättää Rhapsodyn

Post by Demonheart »

Enpä ole vielä sellaista bändifoorumia nähnytkään, missä ei esiinny jatkuvaa kritiikkiä ja negatiivisuutta. Kaikkia nyt ei vaan voi miellyttää, pitäisi bändinkin kasvattaa hieman paksumpi nahka.
Mr Rami
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Re: Luca jättää Rhapsodyn

Post by Mr Rami »

Jussi wrote:No tsekkaahan, Prophet Of The Last Eclipse on varmaankin trion parhain, vaikka juuri viime viikolla kuuntelin pitkästä aikaa The Infinite Wonders Of Creationia ja äimistelin miten kovia biisejä Mystic And Divine, The Miracle Of Life, Pyramids And Stargates & Angels Of The Winter Dawn olivatkaan.
Ainoastaan se samaan aikaan tullut Dreamquest ei toimi, jossa vanha luihunnäköinen takapiiska pieksää kiippareita. Sen naisvokalistin identiteettiä ei vissiin koskaan kerrottu?
Noniin, kaikki on kertauskuunneltu. Mjooh, havaittavissa on selkeähkö kehityskulku King of the Nordic Twilightin melko riisutusta (mutta tarttuvasta!) peruspowerista The Infinite Wonders of Creationin pompöösimpään maailmansyleilyyn. Prophet of the Last Eclipse on sitten siinä välissä sujuvana siirtymävaiheena. Nordic Twilight on tuosta syystä tasaisin kokonaisuus, mutta laatu säilyy kyllä joka levyllä korkeana. Aiemmin olin sitä mieltä, että Infinite Wonders on selvästi paras näistä Turillin sooloista, mutta enää se ei ole niin selvästi sitä. Suosikkia ei kuitenkaan tarvinnut vaihtaa.

Dreamquestkin tuli kuunneltua ja se on kyllä hyvä levy sekin, mutta projektin koko potentiaali jää hyödyntämättä. Naisvokalistin identiteetistä ei ole hajuakaan.

Meikäläiselle tämä Rhapsodyn uudelleenjärjestely ei juuri ihmeempiä tunteita herätä, vaikka bändin levyjä olenkin innolla ostellut ja kuunnellut + nämä Turillit soolot päälle. Sen verran laatukamaa sieltä on tullut oli sitten Turilli - Staropoli tutkapari kasassa eli ei, että luotan tilanteen säilyvän samana jatkossakin. Pääasia että toiminta jatkuu (toivottavasti olen samaa mieltä vielä ensimmäisten julkaisujen jälkeenkin).
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Re: Luca jättää Rhapsodyn

Post by Lichi »

Toisaalta mikäs sen parempaa jos nämä kokoonpanot tulisivat yhteiskeikalle Tavastialle. Ei mikään mahdoton ajatus, olivathan Halloween ja Gamma Raykin Kaapelissa.
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Re: Luca jättää Rhapsodyn

Post by Demonheart »

Ilmeisesti Lucan uuden bändin nimi ei olekaan Rhapsody, vaan joko nimen variaatio (Ice ehkä :lol: ) tai sitten jotain muuta. Näin sanoo Tom Hess.
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Re: Luca jättää Rhapsodyn

Post by Jussi »

Niinhän tuo sanoo, jessus mitä jargonia x-määrällä hymiöitä ja positiivisuutta heikoin perustein.
Hi everyone! :)

Glad to be back :)

I'll briefly address a few points that I've been reading, but cannot go into much detail about some of the questions asked unfortunately.

ok here we go... :)

1. For those who have not yet seen the new forum rules, please read them now.

2. Luca will not have a band simply called "Rhapsody", what was meant is that Luca 'may' have a band that includes the word 'rhapsody; in a phrase (kind of like "Rhapsody of Fire").

3. The split is absolutely friendly all the way around. If the we say it is friendly, then we prefer if everyone simply believes we are 'honest' and not 'lying' to all of you. There is no fighting or problem within the band, nor with Luca, Patrice, etc. I know some people have assumed that there 'must be a big problem', but the fact is, there isn't. It's really that simple. :) Artistically, the saga has been completed. The saga itself is great and wonderful thing that expressed the mega epic story that we all know and love. But that is over now and time for new artistic things :)

Think of it like this: Imagine all the characters in Lord of the Rings, they worked and lived together and made the 3 epic films. But what happens when the films are done? They move on and do other things. It doesn't mean that they have problems between them, it simply means that the films are complete and now some people want to make new films in one direction and others want to make films in a slightly different direction.

Yes, a band is different from actors in a movie, I know my analogy above is not perfect, I'm just trying to illustrate how it can be that people who are friends and have good feelings between them can also want to create something new or different. The ROF saga was very long and that means that over all these years the band was focused into this one direction, restricted from creating things in different ways or areas in order to stay true to the saga. Now that the saga is done the band members have freedoms to do some of the things that were simply not possible when writing, recording and performing the saga.

4. No matter what happens, or how things will happen, the final result will be MORE music, MORE concerts, MORE chances to meet, MORE things that fans want. This can only be positive :)

5. I cannot speak for Luca and I do not know exactly what he has planned, but we all know that everything he touches turns to gold, it's always great and people love it. I have complete faith that no matter what he will do will be something great as always. :)

6. This is a new chapter for us all - band members, fans and for this forum. We are moving forward and great things are coming for sure. We want to surround ourselves with empowerment, not negativity. Have faith, be happy and know that all is well and will continue on into many great things for us all :)

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Re: Luca jättää Rhapsodyn

Post by Sabbathman »

Tom of Rhapsody wrote: 2. Luca will not have a band simply called "Rhapsody", what was meant is that Luca 'may' have a band that includes the word 'rhapsody; in a phrase (kind of like "Rhapsody of Fire").

3. The split is absolutely friendly all the way around. If the we say it is friendly, then we prefer if everyone simply believes we are 'honest' and not 'lying' to all of you. There is no fighting or problem within the band, nor with Luca, Patrice, etc. I know some people have assumed that there 'must be a big problem', but the fact is, there isn't. It's really that simple. :) Artistically, the saga has been completed. The saga itself is great and wonderful thing that expressed the mega epic story that we all know and love. But that is over now and time for new artistic things :)

Think of it like this: Imagine all the characters in Lord of the Rings, they worked and lived together and made the 3 epic films. But what happens when the films are done? They move on and do other things. It doesn't mean that they have problems between them, it simply means that the films are complete and now some people want to make new films in one direction and others want to make films in a slightly different direction.

Yes, a band is different from actors in a movie, I know my analogy above is not perfect, I'm just trying to illustrate how it can be that people who are friends and have good feelings between them can also want to create something new or different. The ROF saga was very long and that means that over all these years the band was focused into this one direction, restricted from creating things in different ways or areas in order to stay true to the saga. Now that the saga is done the band members have freedoms to do some of the things that were simply not possible when writing, recording and performing the saga.
Eli ystäviä ollaan ja 13-vuotinen ja 10-levyinen saaga saatiin päätökseen. Mutta ei voinut kuitenkaan jatkaa yhdessä saman nimen alla, tehden uutta musiikkia, uutta saagaa, uutta seikkailua tms. Kun on 2 johtavaa hahmoa bändissä, on usein 2 musiikillista suuntaa eli pakko oli lopulta tässäkin tapauksessa jakautua kahteen Rhapsody-leiriin kunhan ensin ystävinä saatiin saaga päätökseen pois alta. Eli menisikö kuten ehdotin, Alex toimii nimellä Rhapsody Of Fire ja Luca toimii nimellä Rhapsody Of (Ice?), sitten vuosien päästä palaavat yhteen ja nimeksi Rhapsody Of Fire And Ice...Harmi että näinkin kova bändi jakautui lopulta kahtia. Kummallista että ei voi jatkaa omilla nimillään uusissa projekteissa (Lucalla on jo sooloura) ja jättää Rhapsody Of Fire kokonaan paussille, olisi ollut parempi niin.
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Re: Luca jättää Rhapsodyn

Post by Jussi »

Kuten ..Of Finland? :lol: nyt vasta tajusin. Enivei:
Film score metal band Rhapsody Of Fire announces new bass player.

The band Rhapsody Of Fire is proud to announce the name of a new band member who will join forces with Fabio Lione, Alex Staropoli, Tom Hess and Alex Holzwarth. German bass player Oliver Holzwarth (brother of Rhapsody Of Fire drummer Alex Holzwarth) has joined the band as an official and permanent member of Rhapsody Of Fire, and will be involved in both live performances and studio recordings.

Oliver is an excellent bass player who has toured with Blind Guardian, Tarja Turunen and Sieges Even and has recorded several studio albums with Blind Guardian.

Alex Staropoli says: "It's a true privilege and honor to have the two Holzwarth brothers playing together in Rhapsody Of Fire. I am sure it will be fantastic to have the best rhythmic section on this planet, a unique and true force of nature, on our side. I am really looking forward to hearing them shaking the stages around the world on our upcoming world tour."
Ei yllättävää, ennenkin useita yhteisiä bändejä ollut veljeksillä & ovat metal archivesin perusteella liittyneet molemmat Paradoxiin takaisin. Sääli etteivät Jalometallissa parisen v. sitten soittaneet jo, olisi ollut kiintoisampi keikka.
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Re: Luca jättää Rhapsodyn

Post by Esanssi »

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Re: Luca jättää Rhapsodyn

Post by Jussi »

No siellähän on Dee Snider/Christopher Walken -hybridillä (+ Fabio) bändipaletti nyt hanskassa. Mitä tekee mullettikuningas Luca?

edit: Lionen ympätyn haastiksen mukaan soittavat tällä bändillä nyt (toki, kun RoF) vars. kiertueen uusimmalle From Chaos To Eternity-kiekolle syksymmällä. Vain 5 festivaalia kun tehtiin kesällä ja 1 biisi soitettiin.
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Re: Luca jättää Rhapsodyn

Post by Jussi »

ROF-kaipparit photoshopattu yhteen; on tuo vain fucked up, siis tilanne ja lihavoitu osio. Jos Turillilla on tyylitajua (vitsi?) niin välttää tuota nimeä ja jatkaa vaikka soololevyjään.
The first official photo of the new lineup of Italian symphonic metal masters RHAPSODY OF FIRE can be seen below.


Fabio Lione - Vocals
Alex Staropoli - Keyboards
Roberto De Micheli - Guitar
Tom Hess - Guitar
Oliver Holzwarth - Bass
Alex Holzwarth - Drums

Staropoli and RHAPSODY OF FIRE guitarist Luca Turilli recently announced their decision to go their separate ways.

Due to legal reasons, Staropoli will continue under the RHAPSODY OF FIRE name. Turilli, on the other hand, will make his future efforts available under the RHAPSODY moniker (RHAPSODY OF FIRE's original name), in which he will be joined by musicians Dominique Leurquin, Patrice Guers and Alex Holzwarth.
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Re: Luca jättää Rhapsodyn

Post by Daliz »

Voi äh, ei näin. Ihme sanaleikkiä :| No tulisipa hyvää musiikkia kuitenkin.
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Re: Luca jättää Rhapsodyn

Post by Esanssi »

Jussi wrote:ROF-kaipparit photoshopattu yhteen; on tuo vain fucked up, siis tilanne ja lihavoitu osio. Jos Turillilla on tyylitajua (vitsi?) niin välttää tuota nimeä ja jatkaa vaikka soololevyjään.

Due to legal reasons, Staropoli will continue under the RHAPSODY OF FIRE name. Turilli, on the other hand, will make his future efforts available under the RHAPSODY moniker (RHAPSODY OF FIRE's original name), in which he will be joined by musicians Dominique Leurquin, Patrice Guers and Alex Holzwarth.
Musta tuntuu, että Blabberilla on jäänyt päälle se ensimmäinen "tieto", että Luca jatkaisi pelkällä Rhapsody-nimellä. Hess ehti jo jossain vaiheessa kommentoimaan, ettei Luca tule jatkamaan sillä nimellä, ja pitäisin tätä tietoa hieman Blabbermouthia luotettavampana. Asiaan ei myöskään ole tullut ainakaan Lucan taholta mitään vahvistusta tahi kommenttia, joten ei se totuudeksi toistamalla muutu.


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Re: Luca jättää Rhapsodyn

Post by Daliz »

Esanssi wrote: Musta tuntuu, että Blabberilla on jäänyt päälle se ensimmäinen "tieto", että Luca jatkaisi pelkällä Rhapsody-nimellä. Hess ehti jo jossain vaiheessa kommentoimaan, ettei Luca tule jatkamaan sillä nimellä, ja pitäisin tätä tietoa hieman Blabbermouthia luotettavampana. Asiaan ei myöskään ole tullut ainakaan Lucan taholta mitään vahvistusta tahi kommenttia, joten ei se totuudeksi toistamalla muutu.


Facebookkiin on avattu official fanisivu "Rhapsody" (kuvassa teksti Luca Turilli's Rhapsody). Joten kyllä tässä on jotain perää ihan selvästi.

Edit: ja nettisivukin löytyy: http://www.ltrhapsody.com/
Jotain eeppistä tulee mainoksen mukaan ulos June 2012.
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Re: Luca jättää Rhapsodyn

Post by Esanssi »

Daliz wrote:
Esanssi wrote: Musta tuntuu, että Blabberilla on jäänyt päälle se ensimmäinen "tieto", että Luca jatkaisi pelkällä Rhapsody-nimellä. Hess ehti jo jossain vaiheessa kommentoimaan, ettei Luca tule jatkamaan sillä nimellä, ja pitäisin tätä tietoa hieman Blabbermouthia luotettavampana. Asiaan ei myöskään ole tullut ainakaan Lucan taholta mitään vahvistusta tahi kommenttia, joten ei se totuudeksi toistamalla muutu.


Facebookkiin on avattu official fanisivu "Rhapsody" (kuvassa teksti Luca Turilli's Rhapsody). Joten kyllä tässä on jotain perää ihan selvästi.

Edit: ja nettisivukin löytyy: http://www.ltrhapsody.com/
Jotain eeppistä tulee mainoksen mukaan ulos June 2012.
I stand corrected.

Mutta kuka laulaa uusio-Rhapsodyssa? Olaf Hayer?


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Re: Luca jättää Rhapsodyn

Post by Sabbathman »

Daliz wrote:Edit: ja nettisivukin löytyy: http://www.ltrhapsody.com/
Jotain eeppistä tulee mainoksen mukaan ulos June 2012.
:shock: Mahtavalta vaikuttaa! Hieno traileri! Ostoon menee ilman ennakkokuunteluita...

Jännittää että kuka on tämä uusi laulaja :?:
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Re: Luca jättää Rhapsodyn

Post by Restoni »

Kevyttä bullshittiä laittaa näkyville tommosia, mitäänsanomattomia, trailereita puolta vuotta ennen määrä-aikaa. Kansa vaatii lisää infoa!!!
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Re: Luca jättää Rhapsodyn

Post by Daliz »

Tuleekohan sillon uusi traileri :lol: Ei vaan, se vokalisti olisi kiva tietää.
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Re: Luca jättää Rhapsodyn

Post by clairvoyant »

Jostain syystä putosin tuolle trailerille ihan täysin näin heti aamusta :D.

Ei mutta, hyvä että Luca ei luopunut nimestä! Nyt vaan sitten kesäkuuta odotellessa.
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Re: Luca jättää Rhapsodyn

Post by Jussi »

In August 2011, RHAPSODY OF FIRE guitarist Luca Turilli and keyboardist Alex Staropoli announced their decision to go their separate ways.

Due to legal reasons, Staropoli will continue under the RHAPSODY OF FIRE name. Turilli, on the other hand, will make his future efforts available under the RHAPSODY moniker (RHAPSODY OF FIRE's original name), in which he will be joined by guitarist Dominique Leurquin, bassist Patrice Guers, and drummer Alex Holzwarth. A singer for the group has has yet to be announced.

Turilli recently gave an interview to Markus Wosgien, head of promotion at Nuclear Blast Records, about the upcoming LUCA TURILLI'S RHAPSODY debut. The question-and-answer session follows below.

Q: After the official split of RHAPSODY OF FIRE, a lot of rumors about the same split spread around the net. Do you want to say something about it?

Luca: First of all, let me tell you that Alex [Staropoli] and I had a lot of fun while hearing some comments following the announcement of the friendly split of RHAPSODY OF FIRE. In particular I heard the comments of some people imagining a lot of weird things or thinking that I was the one who left the band because of this or that reason. Honestly, this is really absurd and nothing is more untrue. The only reality is that in the end of 2010 Alex and I, together — and I underline: together —agreed that after "From Chaos To Eternity" (the 10th official RHAPSODY OF FIRE album which closed the cycle of releases related with our saga), we would have went on with our careers separately. This because after 20 years of great and unique collaboration, the feeling, while working together, was not the same anymore and so, due to the strong respect we have for each other, we decided to take this important decision. We also agreed everything about the way the band split and the fact of keeping for both the name RHAPSODY, in respect of all the unique efforts and the personal economical investment we both made in these years to make this name stronger and stronger in the market. So, again, all was decided really in a friendly way between two people respecting themselves at all levels. Therefore, no conspiracy theories or something like that — instead, just the honest will of proceeding separately in order to find new artistic stimulations. Be also sure that there won't be any competition between the two RHAPSODY bands; we are too old for those kinds of games. I love Alex and want for him the best possible success. I also take the chance of wishing the best to the new members of RHAPSODY OF FIRE: Tom Hess and Roberto De Micheli. They are great people and ultra-skilled musicians, a sure guarantee of great music at the highest artistic levels for all the fans of Alex and Fabio's band!

Q: Let's speak about your new album. What can you tell us about it?

Luca: Honestly, this album is very important for me, Alex Holzwarth, Patrice and Dominique and personally it is the one I always dreamed to record. The basic composition process lasted around five months. In this period of time I worked at the rhythm of 12-14 hours per day and, while very hard because very demanding mentally and spiritually, this was one of the most rewarding sessions of composition of my whole life. It rarely happened I had so much fun playing the guitar, the keyboards or my beloved piano and creating original classical parts, cinematic interludes, orchestrations and all the rest. Now all the songs are ready and I am actually in the process of arranging everything. As you know, I don't hire external people to orchestrate the music, but I do all by myself writing the music for each section of the orchestra, the choirs etc. and this sometimes can be a very long and hard process stealing a lot of time and energy. I can not deny that this is a very ambitious album, because of the investment, artistic vision etc., and all the people working on it, Nuclear Blast included, are thinking the same. That's why in the upcoming months of intensive studio work I want to go on dedicating myself night and day to it, without thinking to anything else. The production of the album just started and Alex Holzwarth recorded most of his drum parts already. I will release more news about the album production, month after month, from my new web site, starting from the end of January 2012.

Q: Speaking about the production, is it true that for your new LUCA TURILLI'S RHAPSODY album you changed your working team completely?

Luca: Yes, after many years of work in Wolfsburg at the court of our friend Sascha Paeth, I decided to start this new artistic adventure with a different team of people. Sascha and the other friends of the Gate Studio (Miro, Olaf, Robert, Simon, etc.) are a winning team and their help in the past was really important for RHAPSODY. But it's since many years already that Alex and I took the productions in our hands becoming producers of our own albums, despite Sascha remaining always fundamental as engineer and mixer man. His mixes will remain legendary and our list of thanks will be never long enough for all the professional contribution he gave. All the years of work, fun and sufferance in the Gate studios of Wolfsburg will surely remain unforgettable and are carved in our heart. For LUCA TURILLI'S RHAPSODY and the new band adventure I decided to change the studio and the main man behind the console. We are now recording the new album at the Backyard Studio of Kempten, Germany. Our new engineer and main mixer man is the same owner of the studio and his name is Sebastian Roeder, the person who worked for RHAPSODY OF FIRE in the last worldwide tour making real miracles while mixing our music live. Apart from being a talented engineer, he is a great person and he shares with us the love for this style of music. To resume, the new album will be produced by me as usual, while Sebastian will take care of the engineering, mixing and mastering process.

Q: What can you tell us about the new singer?

Luca: As you can imagine, this will be one of the most important news to be given in the upcoming months, but for the moment we prefer to keep all top secret. Speaking about singers, please allow me to say a few words about Olaf Hayer, singer and talented voice of LUCA TURILLI, my old solo band. The truth is that, as many people could already imagine, I stopped my solo activity as LUCA TURILLI definitely, willing to dedicate myself to LUCA TURILLI'S RHAPSODY at full time. That's why I want to publicly thank Olaf for the fundamental contribution he gave to our solo albums. All the three albums of the trilogy entered the charts establishing some important records and this was possible mainly because of my friend Olaf. Who knows?! Maybe sooner or later we'll still have the chance to work together. Never say never.

Q: And what about the future plans of LUCA TURILLI'S RHAPSODY?

Luca: Well, the most important thing I can tell you is that our tour agency All Access is actually working hard and preparing a worldwide tour. Considering that the new album will be released in June 2012, the plan is to start the tour a couple of months later in order to promote it at the four sides of the world. It will be an infinite pleasure for me, Alex, Patrice and Dominique to meet all our old and new fans once again and to play in front of them the new LUCA TURILLI'S RHAPSODY songs and the old RHAPSODY/RHAPSODY OF FIRE hits. Surely there will be also a couple of surprises for the one who liked my old solo albums too!
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